Render Carriers
Render carrier boards provide a durable backing surface for thin coat render systems to be applied to. They are typically made from cement particle boards, magnesium oxide boards and gypsum-fibre boards. They are easy to cut, scored and snapped and easy to install. They have good impact resistant , usually have high fire resistant, and some are non-combustible. The render carrier boards usually provide good weather protection before they are rendered, and in some cases can be left exposed for up to a year. They are also strong enough to carry the extra weight the render.
- Textured face for good adhesion,
- Highly economical,
- Easy to install and versatile - can be screwed, stapled, nailed or bonded,
- Suitable for timber and steel frame systems,
- Fire rated and non-toxic under fire,
- Impact resistant,
- Vermin and rot resistant,
- Great dimensional stability.